iN2L combines touch-screen computers with intuitive, picture-based software.
It has an extensive, continually updated content library to provide a personalized experience for residents in our skilled nursing facilities. It can be used for therapy, family, or leisure purposes — individually or with a group.
Residents can interact with the system at their own speed, engaging in activities they prefer and achieving success. There are more than 4,000 activities, each combining entertainment with therapy, allowing staff to tailor the activity level and area of interest to each resident. The benefits aren’t all clinical — iN2L is also improving socialization, quality of life, and communication.
Installed in November 2018, the iN2L system at UPMC Muncy was made possible through a gift from the Waldron Memorial Fund at the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania and a matching gift from the Muncy Valley Hospital Auxiliary. In 2019, iN2L was made possible at The Green Home thanks to Tioga County community members supporting the Friends of Soldiers + Sailors Annual Campaign.